Health Translations

Genomic research participant information and education materials (audio)

This document is available in English as well as in languages other than English. Links to the English and multilingual resources can be accessed further below. To download information click on the selected language. This will take you directly to the resource. Note that some PDFs can be quite large and may take several minutes to download.

Genomic research participant information and education materials (audio)

The Centre for Population GenomicsExternal Link has developed new participant information and educational resources, tailored specifically for engaging diverse communities in genomic research. These audio materials aim to break down cultural and language barriers so that many community members can boost participation.

Built with guidance from multicultural advisors and in collaboration with community members and expert translators, these resources are now freely available under a Creative Commons license. These will be available through an interactive text compilation tool in the next few months.

Target audience:
Service area:
June 2024
Last reviewed:
August 2024
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